1. one of a group of words that are pronounced in the same way but differing in meaning or spelling
or both, as for example bear and bare
2. a written letter or combination of letters that represents the same speech sound as
anothe, for example 'ph' is a homophone of 'f' in English
1. the act or process of writing words by using the letters conventionally accepted for
their formation; orthography
2. the art or study of orthography
3. the actual way in which a word is spelt
4. the ability of a person to spell
Let's watch Tiara and Matt trying to understand each other.
Giving the folowing phonetic symbols, write down the homophones words.
2. the art or study of orthography
3. the actual way in which a word is spelt
4. the ability of a person to spell
Let's watch Tiara and Matt trying to understand each other.
Giving the folowing phonetic symbols, write down the homophones words.
- /ɛə/
- /aɪl/
- /ˈæntɪ/
- /aɪ/
- /bɛə/
- /biː/
- /breɪk/
- /bai/
- /sɛl/
- /sɛnt/
- /ˈsɪərɪəl/
- /kɔːs/
- ˈkɒmplɪmənt/
- /dæm/
- /dɪə/
- /dai/
- /fɛə/
- /fɜː/
- /ˈflaʊə/
- /fɔː/
- /hɛə/
- /hiːl /
- /hɪə/
- /hɪm/
- /həʊl/
- /aʊə/
- /ˈaɪdə/
- /ɪn/
- /naɪt /
- /nɒt/
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