1. one of a group of words that are pronounced in the same way but differing in meaning or spelling
or both, as for example bear and bare
2. a written letter or combination of letters that represents the same speech sound as
anothe, for example 'ph' is a homophone of 'f' in English
1. the act or process of writing words by using the letters conventionally accepted for
their formation; orthographyDefinition:
2. the art or study of orthography
3. the actual way in which a word is spelt
4. the ability of a person to spell
Let's watch Tiara and Matt trying to understand each other.
Giving the folowing phonetic symbols, write down the homophones words.
- /nəʊ/
- /meɪd/
- /meɪl/
- /miːt /
- /ˈmɔːnɪŋ/
- /nʌn/
- /ɔː/
- /wʌn/
- /pɛə/
- /piːs/
- /pleɪn/
- /pʊə;/ /pɔː/
- /preɪ/
- /ˈprɪnsɪpəl/
- /ˈprɒfɪt/
- /ˈrɪəl/
- /raɪt /
- /ruːt/
- /seɪl/
- /siː/
- /siːm/
- /saɪt/
- /səʊ/
- /ʃɔː/
- /səʊl/
- /sʌm/
- /sʌn/
- /stɛə/
- /ˈsteɪʃənərɪ/
- /stiːl/
- /swiːt/
- /teɪl /
- /ðɛə /
- /tuː/
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